Knocked. The. Fuck. Out.

I have twin granddaughters who sadly have it. So I am a lot more informed on the subject than you "Mr. I have a friend who has..." What a dick. Fuck you shitstain you don't know what the fuck you are talking about but that is par for the course with your dumbass. So fuck you asshole.

I have a grandson who's "on the spectrum" as they say. He is mostly mainstreamed, but starts his day in a specific classroom to get his day started. I was actually the one who first mentioned that he might have autism. I had previous experience working with the developmentally disabled and autistic kids, so I knew what to look for. My wife and his Mom thought he was "slow", but he's actually really smart and now they both are just amazed at what he comes up with now that he's gotten appropriate assistance and is coming out of his shell.

I don't know where that school is or what their special education program is like or if that kid was mainstreamed or not. I know that in my grandsons district, in order to be mainstreamed, he had to know right from wrong and have some basic understanding of consequences. He still in elementary school, so he doesn't require the level of understanding as would be expected if he were in high school.

I would think that if that kid was mainstreamed at all, it would be similar to my grandson, but wouldn't know for certain. Obviously his autism shouldn't excuse his behavior, but it is definitely something that should be considered when determining his consequences. If we knew his situation re: being mainstreamed, it would give a better idea of how much weight to give it.
Well Fuck you too then.

Zero fucks given if head kick guy is dead.

It’s one thing to stomp a guy in the head after you knock him down yourself (though still complete chicken shit sociopath shit), it’s a completely different story if you stomp a guy after someone else sucker punched him when you’re losing.