GAME 2023 NCAA Baseball Tourney & College World Series Thread

Bored Will And Grace GIF by Cameo

Yeah I think I'm ready.
For the 2nd year in a row it's an all SEC final. :nod:
That game last night....11 innings before a run scored...

Two of the most "chilled" pitchers ever to take the mound in college ball. Neither guy ever got rattled...the entire game and all the pressure was on them! They both...yes both teams pitcher's had great games.

From my little cousin, running my late Uncle Don's site....

"The game was hyped as a clash between the two best teams and two best pitchers in college baseball. Well, it’s safe to say that it not only lived up to the hype, but far exceeded it. Neither LSU’s Paul Skenes nor Wake Forest’s Rhett Lowder allowed a run, and together the two projected first-round picks combined to allow only five hits with 15 Ks. Lowder lasted seven innings; Skenes shined through eight. And when the two aces left the mound, their bullpens held the rope, keeping it a scoreless game until the bottom of the 11th inning."

Nail biter until the end....
Lsu drew first Blood... hopefully we can tie it up
Let's go Jac!!