
Block Forbes now.
You haven't been enjoying their hard turn left into Buzzfeed Mk. II, huh?
Hard pass on the 8-balls. I'd want to enjoy the wealth, not OD before I can spend it.
I think you're missing the part where the other shoe drops. Even a retarded snowy owl impersonator like Janet Yellen is apparently warning that the currency is likely to be debased (to go along with the stagflation we've been "enjoying").

If it's the apocalypse, that one big, drug-fueled sex party might be all there's time for, before the lights go out and the bombs fall.
You haven't been enjoying their hard turn left into Buzzfeed Mk. II, huh?

I think you're missing the part where the other shoe drops. Even a retarded snowy owl impersonator like Janet Yellen is apparently warning that the currency is likely to be debased (to go along with the stagflation we've been "enjoying").

If it's the apocalypse, that one big, drug-fueled sex party might be all there's time for, before the lights go out and the bombs fall.
That’s like saying Henry Ford should have promoted the benefits of horse drawn carriages.

Read the book “Broken Money.”