I Think, Therefore I Am!

Aug 17, 2020
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What Is Consciousness?

The French philosopher Rene Descartes expressed it as “cogito, ergo sum” — I think, therefore I am.

Why do humans usually have consciousness?

What happens when we lose it, as in a coma or dreamless sleep, during seizures or anaesthesia?

Why does injury to the cerebellum, which has 69 of the 86 billion neurons in our brains, not cause a loss of consciousness, whereas damage to other regions does?

These questions also have moral significance. Do newborn babies have consciousness?

What about preterm ones? Fetuses?

Apes and other primates almost certainly do, but what about octopuses? Bees? Fruit flies?

More disturbingly, will our machines and algorithms — which already defeat humans at chess and may soon be better at driving our cars — one day become conscious?

Read more at: What Is Consciousness? Scientists Compete to Find Out
Copyright © BloombergQuint

Kinda scary....what WOULD happen if A.I. suddenly became "conscious"?
