Poll Softest material on the planet?

Which of these is the softest material?

  • Charmin

  • Egyptian cotton sheets

  • NFL Quarterbacks

  • Whipped potato salad

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I thought the KC one was even worse. I hate when they take away big plays over faggy shit.
Everytime anyone is about to lay a hand on brady, he starts whipping his head around to make eye contact with the ref. I swear I have seen it multiple times this season. Someone starts to grab him, and he knows hes going down, he makes eye contact with the ref before he even hits the ground. Fuck off dude.
this season? more like since 2001
I thought the KC one was even worse. I hate when they take away big plays over faggy shit.
That shit potentially cost me 200 bucks since the Chiefs didn’t cover. Huge swing in that game, and one that should have never happened. They were both terrible calls, but I’d still say the Brady being a pussy call was worse. Falcons were gonna get the ball back for a potential game winning drive, only to have it ripped away from them by a pussy QB and a bad ref
I guess since the Tua thing the refs are being told to not let anything happen to the QB 's if they can help it. So, they call it tight for a few games and see if the hits lighten up
I was gonna say @Fish ‘s fee fees and ralphies self esteem.
The guy that goes around rainbowing everything he doesn’t agree with is calling someone else out in a thread of soft?

The guy that goes around rainbowing everything he doesn’t agree with is calling someone else out in a thread of soft?

Bwwahahahaha, says the fag that throws out rainbows cause he has the sadz

Roger will do what he did with pass interference. They'll make it a reviewable play. So every time anyone comes within a 5' radius of a qb, play will stop and they'll review it. Everyone will hate that it ruins the flow of the game and then they'll get rid of reviews and go back to what it is now.
In response to your rainbows for no other reason but you didn’t like what I said you little sensitive pussy bitch.View attachment 88076

Fuck you fake rage quitter pussy face...you rainbow'd my post for no other reason than you can't get over the beatings you take on here. Grow a set, sissy.
Fuck you fake rage quitter pussy face...you rainbow'd my post for no other reason than you can't get over the beatings you take on here. Grow a set, sissy.
Aww, did I make you mad? Shut the fuck up you clown troll. I rainbowed you because you rainbowed me. You dont want rainbows? stop rainbowing shit that hurts your whittle feelings you simple broke back bitch. The next time you give me a beating will be your first time.
I guess since the Tua thing the refs are being told to not let anything happen to the QB 's if they can help it. So, they call it tight for a few games and see if the hits lighten up
Maybe, but Mahomes was spun and tossed harder than Brady was, NO FLAG.
Maybe, but Mahomes was spun and tossed harder than Brady was, NO FLAG.
Yeah, clearly they're going to enforce it differently. Brady gets different rules.
Yeah, clearly they're going to enforce it differently. Brady gets different rules.
because Brady is a whiney bitch that threatens to have refs fired if they dont make the call.
Tom Brady might be facing a fine for kicking at Grady Jarrett on that roughing the passer play.

Kinda funny that Brady is facing a fine, Jarrett is not, but Jarrett is the one that got a 15 yard penalty for a textbook wrap up tackle