Another day, another pitbull mauling

Not ignorant, just cautious. I've read enough to know I don't want them around.
Great, then don't have them around. You are talking about making decisions for others.
So, we're sure this couple were "bad dog owners" then?
I'm typically against regulation of most things, but I lean towards regulation of aggressive dog breeds. Pitbulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shepherds, etc. can be the best of companions if trained properly but also can be human killers if trained to be guard dogs or are not properly trained. I think background checks on the humans who wish to own an aggressive dog breed is appropriate and ownership should be prohibited for new dog owners or humans with a history of violent behavior to own one.

There should also be required regular behavioral inspections of the aggressive breed and if a dog fails inspection the owners lose the dog and are no longer allowed to own an aggressive breed. Depending on the level of aggressiveness, the dog either gets put down or rehabilitated under new ownership.

...Just my two pennies on the topic...
I agree with this in principle.

But, I also admit I cannot see a way this is effectively administered. Maybe that’s not good enough to just not try, it’s just where I stop short on the idea.
Or they have pit genetics in them.
It's not genetics that makes them dangerous, its their jaw. All dogs have aggression genetics, not all of them can fuck you up if they activate them.
The thing is still a puppy and very cute but these morons are letting it roam around the front yard without a leash. I've asked them twice to leash it, the township has ordinances. Teaching this dog bad habits, not a good idea with kids around.
That's an issue for any breed.
So, we're sure this couple were "bad dog owners" then?
No, I am not. I cannot claim to know the details here. All I can go on is the prism of my own experience. Anytime I’ve seen a pit go squirrelly I have already observed bad training previously.
I worked as a vet tech for a little over a year. There were pits I avoided based on behavior, same with all breeds. However, literally every single dachshund/chihuahua/pomeranian would bite you no matter what its temperament was like prior to opening their run/cage.
It's not genetics that makes them dangerous, its their jaw. All dogs have aggression genetics, not all of them can fuck you up if they activate them.
My black lab had some pit in him. His father was half black lab, half pit. I knew his father well. He had MASSIVE animal aggression. Thankfully that never showed with people. But he was a squirrelly one, also was adopted at 2-3 years old and who knows what was imprinted on him prior to that.

I got his son the day he weaned fully, sweetest dog I’ve ever had.

Genetics are one thing, but so is how they are handled.
Many breeds you can fend off as well. Not making excuses, people are morons when it comes to leashing I see it all the time in my neighborhood.
Solid point. As a small child I was terrorized by a neighborhood Doberman who had the shittiest owners that wanted a tough dog and trained him as such. And then just let him roam around.

That’s why there are such laws against such things.
This discussion always blows my mind.

Pitbull defenders will always say stuff like "it's not the breed, it's the owner". By that same logic, you could say the same about Grizzly bears. I've seen them balance on balls and juggle and shit in the circus. So, should people own grizzly bears if they are "properly owned"? Or nah because they can tear you to pieces if they so pitbulls?
Nope, just a concerned citizen
Then I guess you aren't in the majority, or like I said it would be resolved and you wouldn't have to cry about it on a message board. People tend to think they are in the majority because of the idiots they surround themselves with.
This discussion always blows my mind.

Pitbull defenders will always say stuff like "it's not the breed, it's the owner". By that same logic, you could say the same about Grizzly bears. I've seen them balance on balls and juggle and shit in the circus. So, should people own grizzly bears if they are "properly owned"? Or nah because they can tear you to pieces if they so pitbulls?
Are there other bears that people own?
This discussion always blows my mind.

Pitbull defenders will always say stuff like "it's not the breed, it's the owner". By that same logic, you could say the same about Grizzly bears. I've seen them balance on balls and juggle and shit in the circus. So, should people own grizzly bears if they are "properly owned"? Or nah because they can tear you to pieces if they so pitbulls?
In response to this diatribe, we should absolutely destroy anything that has the potential to harm us. Safety first or else.