Gun season opens this weekend in Wisconsin

Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
$ 158,005.00
Brew Town USA
Happy hunting and stay safe fellow hunters.

This will be only the 2nd time in 44 years that I will not be in the woods for the opener and Thanksgiving weekend due to Covid issues. To make matters worse, this is the first year my 10 yr old grandson will be hunting and I won't be there with him. Will be extremely bittersweet for me if he bags his first deer šŸ˜„
Happy hunting and stay safe fellow hunters.

This will be only the 2nd time in 44 years that I will not be in the woods for the opener and Thanksgiving weekend due to Covid issues. To make matters worse, this is the first year my 10 yr old grandson will be hunting and I won't be there with him. Will be extremely bittersweet for me if he bags his first deer šŸ˜„

Our opener in Illinois also on Friday. Made my last hunt about 5 years ago. The urge is there but the body won't cooperate. Dry powder,people.
"Gun season" opened for me last Friday... I bought my wife a new .22 for her birthday.


Our opener in Illinois also on Friday. Made my last hunt about 5 years ago. The urge is there but the body won't cooperate. Dry powder,people.
I don't even have the urge to hunt anymore.

8-10 pointer prowling the fence row behind my house for the last 2 weeks, huge spread. Kind of piqued my interest but way too late to get legal.
I could take him out from my patio door.
Just saw him again this morning. He's got the doe fever I think.
Years ago a contractor friend who we did business with invited us to his farm for deer season, he said there was a big one out there and he didn't hunt.
Out there way early, just after legal shooting time I heard shots from the other side of the fence.

I hear hollerin. YOU GET HIM.
didn't really see him, just got off a few sound shots!

I fucking froze. then I yell "You people know where you're at, are you even supposed to be here? What the fuck you doing shooting at sounds?!?
I hear back Well we're not sure, we're down from chicago and don't know our way around real good.
I said "Well we were told nobody else would be out here. Now Im going to start walking away, no more fucking shooting at sound or you'll get something right the fuck back at you"

They say No we'd probably better just leave. I say Good idea.

So I quietly make my way back to Dad and tell him we might want to go get breakfast, scout the roads for trucks, then maybe come back or maybe not.