Pet peeves

Bruhā€¦driving a vehicle is probably the most stressful anxiety-ridden thing I do.

St. Carlin said it best ā€œAnyone driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone driving faster is a maniacā€.

I consistently drive in the slow lane on an expressway and rarely go over the speed limit. Daily I have people tailgating me, honking or road raging meā€¦.look motherfuckers it isnā€™t my fault you canā€™t leave on time and Iā€™ve yet to receive a single itinerary on othersā€™ travel schedules. :L

Shut up pussy and stay off the highways
Ooh! I had that last night! But I live in a condo, so it was echoing all over the place! It sounded like a lesbian fight, but I don't really associate with my neighbors, so I can't be sure. But one of them was walking a dog away from the other one who was screaming, "FUCK YOU! YOU FUCKING CUNT BITCH! YOU ARE A BITCH! FUCK YOU! YOU CUNT! YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING BITCH!" I couldn't see her, but I imagine she looked like that one screaming chick in the pink hat memes because the other one walking away was very triangular shaped and she's telling the screamy one, "Get back in the house! You're going to be really embarrassed about this tomorrow!" as she's walking away and then the screamy one is all, "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING STUPID BITCH!! I FUCKED CHRIS ON TUESDAY! DID YOU KNOW THAT, YOU FUCKING CUNT?! I FUCKED CHRIS!" The other one kept walking so it ended there.
Ohh! Fascinating!

Particularly because Chris is a relatively androgynous name. So did she fuck another woman, or fuck a man?

Does it hurt a lesbian more if her girlfriend cheats on her with a dude?

So many questions.
Ohh! Fascinating!

Particularly because Chris is a relatively androgynous name. So did she fuck another woman, or fuck a man?

Does it hurt a lesbian more if her girlfriend cheats on her with a dude?

So many questions.
I really wish I would've been more nosey and checked where they lived and what they looked like so i could give them some bombastic side eye if I saw them out during daylight hours.
I really wish I would've been more nosey and checked where they lived and what they looked like so i could give them some bombastic side eye if I saw them out during daylight hours.
Should have at least yelled in their direction, "I FUCKED CHRIS, TOO!"
Put your grocery cart back in the damn corral. If you don't, you're asshole. If you park the cart in the empty parking space next to you, you are a colossal asshole. You trucked the thing all over the store, so a few more steps isn't going to hurt you. If you just leave it vaguely in the neighboring parking spot, I hope you get into a car accident on the way home.

The other day, I saw someone park their now empty cart in the parking spot beside them. I was walking toward the store and said, "it's no problem, I'll take it." They said thanks and got into their car. I then parked the cart right behind their car, so they had to get out of their car and move it again. Next time I see it, I swear I'm going to take this board's advice and simply zip-tie the cart to their door handle.
Are there any momā€™s left on the planet who donā€™t shove giant bags of Pirates Booty into their kids fat faces 24/7/365?!
Just adds more flavor to the next pot of coffee... :nod:

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Block GIF by Debby Ryan
I think my biggest pet peeve at this time are people who wait until they have started their turn to use their blinker. Turning out of my neighborhood it annoys me because if they would just use their blinker when turning left, I could go left as they approach. Fucking idiots
Speaking of the turning lane: the idiot on the cell phone who realizes the light turned yellow and they finally decide to make the turn then, and you have to wait another sequence.
Number 1 for me: passing the buck.
Don't toss my stuff on the ground.
