Question for the religious.

Aug 19, 2020
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Now I know throughout the bible they make it to where women arent in a position of power.
However in this day & age. The Southern baptists just expelled all female/women pastors.

So knowing how religion works throughout time. Kinda not surprised.
However isnt it GOD/Jesus the ones that say anyone can be a preacher by spreading the word of god? (or something like that)

If so. Then how do you go against these women preachers? Allegedly doing god's work. You can preach around a campfire. & that would be your church.

Sounds like the powers that be in these religions have lost their way.

Or am I missing something. (which is very possible)

Is this a vanity of man (or their pride) or is this the way GOD intended?
I don't agree with this and, to me, this severely restricts the ability of the church.

Two origins for this. One I find quite ridiculous and that is that Eve was deceived and therefore sinned before Adam. I don't even give this the time of day. Adam sinned as well and I'm pretty sure God doesn't consider it a race.

The Biblical looks comes from Paul's letter to Timothy in 1st Timothy. He is giving advice to Timothy on how to build up the church in Ephesus where Timothy is located. He explicitly states that women are not to have spiritual authority over men and says in a couple other different ways that men should only be the ones to teach. However, like many things in the Bible, I believe we need to dig a little deeper into the cultural context and just exactly where Paul was sending this letter. Ephesus was home to the temple of Artemis. Guess who all the religious leaders were at the temple of Artemis, a maiden goddess? Women. The city of Ephesus had many pagan women religious leaders for this reason. I think that had a lot to do with Paul directing Timothy to take his teachers from the ranks of men in Ephesus. I don't believe this was meant to be everywhere.
ok guys. those that know what he is saying from the bible. Please expand & what do you think of this?
What if God was one of us?

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The Southern Baptist Convention allowed women pastors? Since when. I didn’t know any existed that could be expelled.
Now I know throughout the bible they make it to where women arent in a position of power.
However in this day & age. The Southern baptists just expelled all female/women pastors.

So knowing how religion works throughout time. Kinda not surprised.
However isnt it GOD/Jesus the ones that say anyone can be a preacher by spreading the word of god? (or something like that)

If so. Then how do you go against these women preachers? Allegedly doing god's work. You can preach around a campfire. & that would be your church.

Sounds like the powers that be in these religions have lost their way.

Or am I missing something. (which is very possible)

Is this a vanity of man (or their pride) or is this the way GOD intended?

@Schmoopy1000, what @fishinabarrel cited about Paul's letters to Timothy is pretty accurate regarding directly why many Christian church bodies do not have women in positions of church leadership. To further expand, though, most Christian churches believe the entirety of the Bible is the inspired Word of God and God is the authority over all. Even though humans oftentimes don't fully understand God, we have been directed by God to follow His Word so follow we do.

From a more human-relatable perspective, looking throughout the entirety of Biblical history, God appointed men in positions of spiritual authority. Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, ...all the way to John the Baptist ...all men. Then Christ Himself appointed men to be his disciples and apostles. Christians model themselves under law and gospel and both models have exclusively men as appointed spiritual leaders. So from a Christian body with this perspective, breaking from those spiritual leadership models God provided would be a blatant failure to follow God's law and gospel.
The Bible marginalizes women as basically property.

Men obviously wrote the Bible.