True Crime

Aug 17, 2020
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$ 891.00
I am sure there are some people that are into True Crime stuff. Well I found this psychology guy on youtube that breaks down video and audio interrogations and it is pretty excellent stuff.

He most recently uploaded a video going over the Nick Cruz, the Parkland shooter and his interrogation. But I figured I would show a more famous case of someone fucking insane.

I am currently watching this one myself. Just briefly paused it to share, this is good shit and I HIGHLY recommend you guys check out his other breakdowns even if you haven't heard of the case.

@Blackshirts BLVD

Ok. You got me hooked now. Watched Jodie Arias this evening. It just boggles the mind how she never lawyered up through all the interrogation. I get trying her sweet, innocent girl act on the male detective….but as this went on it was clear….she thought she could outsmart them.

She was so much less smart than she thought she was.

(before changing her story) “can I just see Travis’ photos? I know it’s morbid, but it would give me closure”. She asks this a couple of times before she whips out her next outlandish story. She really just wanted to confirm some things in the crime photo to build her lie.

Funny thing is if she just took the damn camera and buried it in the desert she would have had a much better chance to skate.
@Blackshirts BLVD

Ok. You got me hooked now. Watched Jodie Arias this evening. It just boggles the mind how she never lawyered up through all the interrogation. I get trying her sweet, innocent girl act on the male detective….but as this went on it was clear….she thought she could outsmart them.

She was so much less smart than she thought she was.

(before changing her story) “can I just see Travis’ photos? I know it’s morbid, but it would give me closure”. She asks this a couple of times before she whips out her next outlandish story. She really just wanted to confirm some things in the crime photo to build her lie.

Funny thing is if she just took the damn camera and buried it in the desert she would have had a much better chance to skate.
There was a video he did about the incel guy from Toronto that mowed people down with a van/truck. That one was super weird and interesting, but I think YouTube took it down for some reason.
There was a video he did about the incel guy from Toronto that mowed people down with a van/truck. That one was super weird and interesting, but I think YouTube took it down for some reason.
I saw the one of the creep looking kid that killed and dismembered his neighbor. Fascinating how he went to the abused mold of just staring and answering yes, no, maybe. He had these detective at a complete loss.
Also….I loved this guy. Addiction got him but I feel like he would be a solid hang if sober. Just solid handling of his interrogation.

There was a video he did about the incel guy from Toronto that mowed people down with a van/truck. That one was super weird and interesting, but I think YouTube took it down for some reason.

Also….I loved this guy. Addiction got him but I feel like he would be a solid hang if sober. Just solid handling of his interrogation.

This is the one I was talking about. Luckily, this guy made a second channel and uploaded it again. Check it out, this one is so weird.

This is the one I was talking about. Luckily, this guy made a second channel and uploaded it again. Check it out, this one is so weird.

Ah yea, an Incel with Aspbergers. We have an Aspy child……I’m thankful every time I see he has some genuine charm about him. He will at least be able to win the girls over….. and likely drive them nuts from there.

This detective was just flawless in his execution He seemed to have a real grasp of what he was dealing with in this guy and drew him out perfectly.

The guy was a real wacko. Not crazy, but a wacko.
This is the one I was talking about. Luckily, this guy made a second channel and uploaded it again. Check it out, this one is so weird.

Here’s the guy he spoke of inspiring him. Elliot Rodger. Holy shit, the narcissism and sheltering! Not to mention friends and family around him straight up failed him, and the victims.

This guy became the hero of the incels. You would think it was a horrible attempt at attacking, except after this he went on his spree.

Here’s the guy he spoke of inspiring him. Elliot Rodger. Holy shit, the narcissism and sheltering! Not to mention friends and family around him straight up failed him, and the victims.

This guy became the hero of the incels. You would think it was a horrible attempt at attacking, except after this he went on his spree.

I remember him. He was the son of some Hollywoof bigshot, right?

I just watched this one today. Just uploaded the other day.

I remember him. He was the son of some Hollywoof bigshot, right?

I just watched this one today. Just uploaded the other day.

Yeah. His dads a Producer or something like that.

Slightly similar to the Toronto van kid he was diagnosed with pervasive development disorder. Ironically, I mentioned my 14 year old is Aspy like van guy….but he’s not diagnosed. He has been diagnosed with PDD. It’s all part of his alphabet soup.

But, that diagnosis doesn’t fully explain this kid. It’s just one ingredient in the recipe. This kid was clearly hella sheltered, spoiled and privileged. I can look at my kid (who is none of these things) and see that’s a huge component. Huge piece of it.

This spoiled ass kid was lonely. That’s all. But, when ALL other things in life are just taken care of for you someone with PDD cant understand why this one part (interpersonal relationships) arent just handed to him.

Bottom line….this kid talked a lot of warnings before he did what he did…and no one listened and acted.

I’ll check out this video this evening. Is this on the new second channel too?
Yeah. His dads a Producer or something like that.

Slightly similar to the Toronto van kid he was diagnosed with pervasive development disorder. Ironically, I mentioned my 14 year old is Aspy like van guy….but he’s not diagnosed. He has been diagnosed with PDD. It’s all part of his alphabet soup.

But, that diagnosis doesn’t fully explain this kid. It’s just one ingredient in the recipe. This kid was clearly hella sheltered, spoiled and privileged. I can look at my kid (who is none of these things) and see that’s a huge component. Huge piece of it.

This spoiled ass kid was lonely. That’s all. But, when ALL other things in life are just taken care of for you someone with PDD cant understand why this one part (interpersonal relationships) arent just handed to him.

Bottom line….this kid talked a lot of warnings before he did what he did…and no one listened and acted.

I’ll check out this video this evening. Is this on the new second channel too?
Yeah, it was on the second channel.

Never heard of PDD. I know autism in general has varying degrees, but does Aspergers have a pretty wide spectrum? I knew a guy that had aspergers, but he was only a little socially awkward. Enough to notice, but not enough to be weirded out or put off by if that makes sense (sorry, not trying to sound insenstive). But when I saw that Toronto van guy, I thought it was more than just Aspergers with him. That Toronto guy was super weird and just seemingly unremorseful. It was a very strange interview. And those comments about Chads and whatnot, so weird.
Yeah, it was on the second channel.

Never heard of PDD. I know autism in general has varying degrees, but does Aspergers have a pretty wide spectrum? I knew a guy that had aspergers, but he was only a little socially awkward. Enough to notice, but not enough to be weirded out or put off by if that makes sense (sorry, not trying to sound insenstive). But when I saw that Toronto van guy, I thought it was more than just Aspergers with him. That Toronto guy was super weird and just seemingly unremorseful. It was a very strange interview. And those comments about Chads and whatnot, so weird.
We aren’t insensitive here. We have two boys with alphabet soup lists of conditions. We couldn’t make it if we were insensitive.

These humans with these conditions can catch people off guard, even when they know them and their conditions. My boys will say things from a point of view the rest of us don’t have. Sometimes their view is enlightening, others maddening. But you have to develop humor.

I’ll be honest….I’m not fully versed on Aspbergers. My wife swears her ex husband has it, but he’s not diagnosed. And the 14 year old is a lot like him….he can come across like a dick at times, but he’s not trying to be. I do know he’s a lot less like the Iraqi robot in Toronto, and more like the spoiled kid in LA.

That kid could have found his way with the right help and coaching. Perhaps Dad works his ass off for this lifestyle. I won’t hate on that. But there is so much help out there (especially in CA) that this guy could have afforded and engaged.

The Toronto guy….I’m still trying to put together in my mind what his (likely) mix of conditions is. It’s a little harder to place. I’m not sure if it’s Aspy. He certainly has a delay to his rationalization skills. It’s really weird how the rest of the person can be developed closer to their age, but this one part is….ahem….retarded. That’s what I’m seeing with this guy.

The Mrs likes to see it all as….maybe we are getting too wide on all these conditions and names. PDD and Aspbergers can be completely identical. So why not just have one?
We aren’t insensitive here. We have two boys with alphabet soup lists of conditions. We couldn’t make it if we were insensitive.

These humans with these conditions can catch people off guard, even when they know them and their conditions. My boys will say things from a point of view the rest of us don’t have. Sometimes their view is enlightening, others maddening. But you have to develop humor.

I’ll be honest….I’m not fully versed on Aspbergers. My wife swears her ex husband has it, but he’s not diagnosed. And the 14 year old is a lot like him….he can come across like a dick at times, but he’s not trying to be. I do know he’s a lot less like the Iraqi robot in Toronto, and more like the spoiled kid in LA.

That kid could have found his way with the right help and coaching. Perhaps Dad works his ass off for this lifestyle. I won’t hate on that. But there is so much help out there (especially in CA) that this guy could have afforded and engaged.

The Toronto guy….I’m still trying to put together in my mind what his (likely) mix of conditions is. It’s a little harder to place. I’m not sure if it’s Aspy. He certainly has a delay to his rationalization skills. It’s really weird how the rest of the person can be developed closer to their age, but this one part is….ahem….retarded. That’s what I’m seeing with this guy.

The Mrs likes to see it all as….maybe we are getting too wide on all these conditions and names. PDD and Aspbergers can be completely identical. So why not just have one?
Yeah, I am a little worried about prescriptions and labels in this context. Like quickly labeling a kid with ADD, but not considering that we are in the most stimulating environment ever and this is a childs perspective inside that. I told the wife long ago, that my kids won't go on medication for something like that, I will enforce discipline and guidance.... you know, be a parent. Remove the stimuli if need be.

Talking about this, I am reminded of Sir Ken Robinsons Ted Talk from a decade ago. You might appreciate this even though it isn't entirely relevant.

Yeah, I am a little worried about prescriptions and labels in this context. Like quickly labeling a kid with ADD, but not considering that we are in the most stimulating environment ever and this is a childs perspective inside that. I told the wife long ago, that my kids won't go on medication for something like that, I will enforce discipline and guidance.... you know, be a parent. Remove the stimuli if need be.

Talking about this, I am reminded of Sir Ken Robinsons Ted Talk from a decade ago. You might appreciate this even though it isn't entirely relevant.

We often talk and worry about the same things. There are far too many parents who don’t do any parenting and just want a pill to fix their kid. There are far too many medical professionals either confused by true symptoms, or just willing to medicate a child who doesn’t need it. But the corporal parenting has been tried on these boys for years when they were younger. It only made things worse.

This is a challenging position from our point of view, because we totally get how this looks to outside viewers. I’ve had one of them throw a fit in a McDonalds when he was younger and the only other patron there was an older man who said “it’s a damn shame we can’t take them back behind the woodshed anymore”. I get it. But these true conditions don’t work that way.

I was raised by a former Marine. I know the corporal aspects of parenting super well. They just don’t fit here. I came in (they are my step sons technically) totally unprepared. My oldest nephew was just diagnosed at 16 as being very slightly on spectrum. It’s legit. He’s not medicated but is taking therapy for it. My brother (raised by a Marine also) took this approach for years and got no where. Now they are seeing progress with understanding and coping skills

The sad fact is if the medical and therapy interventions are ignored for kids with true conditions and only the corporal aspects of parenting used they end up shooting up a sorority and campus or renting a van and plowing innocents down.

I’m not knocking your opinion here. I totally get the overdiagnosing and overmedicating. I’ve just been there when that reaches its end and there are still issues.
We often talk and worry about the same things. There are far too many parents who don’t do any parenting and just want a pill to fix their kid. There are far too many medical professionals either confused by true symptoms, or just willing to medicate a child who doesn’t need it. But the corporal parenting has been tried on these boys for years when they were younger. It only made things worse.

This is a challenging position from our point of view, because we totally get how this looks to outside viewers. I’ve had one of them throw a fit in a McDonalds when he was younger and the only other patron there was an older man who said “it’s a damn shame we can’t take them back behind the woodshed anymore”. I get it. But these true conditions don’t work that way.

I was raised by a former Marine. I know the corporal aspects of parenting super well. They just don’t fit here. I came in (they are my step sons technically) totally unprepared. My oldest nephew was just diagnosed at 16 as being very slightly on spectrum. It’s legit. He’s not medicated but is taking therapy for it. My brother (raised by a Marine also) took this approach for years and got no where. Now they are seeing progress with understanding and coping skills

The sad fact is if the medical and therapy interventions are ignored for kids with true conditions and only the corporal aspects of parenting used they end up shooting up a sorority and campus or renting a van and plowing innocents down.

I’m not knocking your opinion here. I totally get the overdiagnosing and overmedicating. I’ve just been there when that reaches its end and there are still issues.
No, I get ya. And I don't have your perspective so there is no way for me to know how it would be different, but at least in terms of ADD/ADHD, I do feel we are too quick on the trigger. We need to keep in mind that these are children, has anyone ever met a child that wasn't hyperactive compared to an adult? Kids have energy. I think part of the problem is that adults have gotten lazier due to technology, so now parents aren't wearing their kids out before bedtime, they just let them do their own thing and wonder why they are always getting in trouble.

Part of the problem with the medical professionals too is that they have an incentive to find something. Call me a cynic, that's just how I feel about anyone that is incentivized like that, like the opposite with insurance lol. They are incentivized to find nothing.
No, I get ya. And I don't have your perspective so there is no way for me to know how it would be different, but at least in terms of ADD/ADHD, I do feel we are too quick on the trigger. We need to keep in mind that these are children, has anyone ever met a child that wasn't hyperactive compared to an adult? Kids have energy. I think part of the problem is that adults have gotten lazier due to technology, so now parents aren't wearing their kids out before bedtime, they just let them do their own thing and wonder why they are always getting in trouble.

Part of the problem with the medical professionals too is that they have an incentive to find something. Call me a cynic, that's just how I feel about anyone that is incentivized like that, like the opposite with insurance lol. They are incentivized to find nothing.
Oh yeah. More clearly from me….I totally agree with this. There is way too much medication for these conditions. And these medications are not innocuous.

Years ago the 14 year old with ADHD was on adderall (literally amphetamine salts). He was ridiculously tiny for his age, looked like a second grader at 11. He ate barely 300 calories a day. Now he is on non stimulant meds and he eats like a teen boy. He’s still a little small for his age, but he is catching up so damn fast.

You’re absolutely spot on as a parent that this is where you start when they show these signs. My wife did all of that when they were very young. Kept them physically busy and engaged, minimized electronics….hell she committed to gluten free feeding and even made homemade soap and detergent. None of it made a dent.

I have nothing for parents that use dangerous medication in lieu of parenting.
I remember him. He was the son of some Hollywoof bigshot, right?

I just watched this one today. Just uploaded the other day.

I finally watched this. Another good one from these channels.

I can’t say I can give these detectives an A+ though. I liked they way they handled it at points, and they got enough to drive a plea down to life without parole. But, the narrator does call out well here how they got a bit over aggressive trying to get first degree/aggravated rape right there. They clammed him up.

This could have been gotten to in later interviews. The guy was an idiot, he was going to give himself fully up.

Also intrigued me how the DA cut part of the video out. Seeing them get overzealous later makes me more curious why it was cut out.
I am sure there are some people that are into True Crime stuff. Well I found this psychology guy on youtube that breaks down video and audio interrogations and it is pretty excellent stuff.

He most recently uploaded a video going over the Nick Cruz, the Parkland shooter and his interrogation. But I figured I would show a more famous case of someone fucking insane.

I am currently watching this one myself. Just briefly paused it to share, this is good shit and I HIGHLY recommend you guys check out his other breakdowns even if you haven't heard of the case.

I did watch this Casey Anthony one the other week. This was hometown for me. It was ALL the news was for almost two years. It reminded me all the more how media gets hard for these things in their backyard. Gross.

Even though this was in my backyard and I saw so damn much of it, this video showed me things I’ve never seen. It’s worth noting that not everything we saw in this video made it to evidence. There was some play on that early and the defense made some wins.

From that point the state was the one fucking up even having first degree in the discussion. That little girl was dead, her mother was absolutely to blame. But when the court case was set up the way it was they made a damn hard hill fo climb. It just needed a defense attorney to stand up and demand proof without doubt…..while his people peppered in scandalous lies to through the story off even more.

I’ve always held the belief the state lost because they went for more than they were allowed to reasonably prove.

Funny side note….right about when they were doing jury selection I got my Summons. That was a day. Just kept hoping not to get called up. Then I got pooled. Went upstairs and was so glad it wasn’t this case. Didn’t get picked and got to leave. That was a relief.
I finally watched this. Another good one from these channels.

I can’t say I can give these detectives an A+ though. I liked they way they handled it at points, and they got enough to drive a plea down to life without parole. But, the narrator does call out well here how they got a bit over aggressive trying to get first degree/aggravated rape right there. They clammed him up.

This could have been gotten to in later interviews. The guy was an idiot, he was going to give himself fully up.

Also intrigued me how the DA cut part of the video out. Seeing them get overzealous later makes me more curious why it was cut out.
For sure, I appreciate it when the narrator calls it out. I don't remember which video it is, but there is another one where he calls one of the detectives out for messing up or messing up the other detective.

I just watched the Parkland shooter one (Nick Cruz) recently. Such a dumb and pathetic piece of shit.
I did watch this Casey Anthony one the other week. This was hometown for me. It was ALL the news was for almost two years. It reminded me all the more how media gets hard for these things in their backyard. Gross.

Even though this was in my backyard and I saw so damn much of it, this video showed me things I’ve never seen. It’s worth noting that not everything we saw in this video made it to evidence. There was some play on that early and the defense made some wins.

From that point the state was the one fucking up even having first degree in the discussion. That little girl was dead, her mother was absolutely to blame. But when the court case was set up the way it was they made a damn hard hill fo climb. It just needed a defense attorney to stand up and demand proof without doubt…..while his people peppered in scandalous lies to through the story off even more.

I’ve always held the belief the state lost because they went for more than they were allowed to reasonably prove.

Funny side note….right about when they were doing jury selection I got my Summons. That was a day. Just kept hoping not to get called up. Then I got pooled. Went upstairs and was so glad it wasn’t this case. Didn’t get picked and got to leave. That was a relief.
I remember when it happened, but I didn't follow the trial at all, just heard the verdict. Yeah, it is pretty crazy that she got off, particularly when she was caught lying so much.