tOfficial "Say something negative about the last person who posted" thread

The only time he served the Navy was at the glory hole.
Also wishes he could live in the 1830s, but with the racists.
Shares his most intimate secrets with Hikaru Sulu, and his favorite line from the Star Trek show is "Ohh my". And has a pair of his panties framed at his house.
His stories about boldly going where no man has gone before rival anyone's on Star Trek.
Soiled his trousers once he found out Spock was half Vulcan and got his sister pregnant.
Has been trying to think of a good Klingon joke since 1986.
After screwing his wife's best friend he remembered there's nothing that a good bottle of Scotch can't remedy.
He's frustrated because he's been told to drink responsibly a lot.

But he can never find it on the store shelves.
He would smoke three packs a day if he knew which end to light.
Isn’t legally allowed to possess matches.
Would murder you on behalf of Mother Earth and dogs.
Seeing Gayle King on the SI swimsuit cover finally allowed him to jerk it for the first time in quite a while.