Great Live Performances

Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,713.00
The other thread got me thinking about live performances. So let's post some great live performances.
And let's not turn into a x is better than y thing. Just appreciate great musicians and performers doing their thing live.
I'll start.
Two of my favorite bands jointly covering another favorite in a once-in-a-lifetime show:

I'm so jealous of those in London who got to participate live yet so thankful they recorded it so I could repeatedly enjoy it through the internet.

Jam starts at 6min mark and it's fucking awesome.
I think these guys were tapped into something big during this song:

This one still gives me chills.

Loved that whole set, AIC is one of my all time favorites. Sadly, Lane seems like he's singing at his own funeral.

Most of the Unplugged series was great. Nirvana and Pearl Jam also killed it.