LeBron is the GOAT

Do you like watching cars drive in circles for 3+ hours?

And there's never been more talent in the league than right now.

NASCAR IS boring as shit too, just my opinion of course.
There's more talent because perimeter defense is gone. When you leave guys open its nothing more than backyard HORSE
In those days, if you get frustrated and throw punches, that means the Bad Boys are beating your ass on the court and between the ears. So in terms of LeBron's frustration that checks out, but LeBron actually knocking Laimbeer out sounds like a pretty far reach to me.

Charles Oakley was a bad mother and I don’t think he knocked out anyone on the Pistons
NBA b-ball was awesome when it was more like hockey

I’ve never seen Lebron in any altercation. But he’s gonna go after the Bad Boys?

And now that you mention it… I’ve never seen him make a hard foul in the lane and get Teed up either. That’s not his style

Interesting take here.

Isaiah Stewart wanted to kill him last year.

They both got tossed and suspended.
LeBron did it. Just like I called it, he’s now the GOATiest of all GOATs
Greatest laker of all time
Even dropped an F bomb on live tv. Suck it haters, bron bron = GOAT
LeBron = GTPOAT :yo: Congrats to him for hitting a number no one else in NBA history has hit.
...Jordan, Magic and Bird wouldn't have lost the fucking game while doing it, though...
LeBron is Goat is like Pete Rose is Goat
Lee Brown James. Le GOAT.

Michael Jordan would have crumbled under the pressure of modern media and social media. He’d have scrubbed out of the league and die shortly thereafter from an overdose of pain pills and alcohol.
NASCAR IS boring as shit too, just my opinion of course.
->There's more talent because perimeter defense is gone.<- When you leave guys open its nothing more than backyard HORSE

I doubt you'll find anyone that follows the NBA that would agree with you.

The main reason the league has more talent than ever before is the expansion of the game globally. Alotta good European/foreign players in the league compared to a generation ago.
Jordan was poisoned and still dropped 38 in a 97 Finals road win. LeBron was carried off the court for a fucking cramp.

Fuck that. Jordan = GOAT. And it doesn't matter how many points LeBron scores, Magic and Larry will always be > LeBron, too.

Bird's my all time favorite player. But LeBron's a better scorer, defender and passer.

And for anyone that wants to disagree.

LeBron's averaged at least 25 ppg for a record 19th straight season. Bird averaged at least 25 ppg four times.

As far as assist. LeBron's averaged at least 7 assist 13 times. Bird 3 times.