

Aug 18, 2020
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$ 1,000.00
so my uncle was having heart issues and started drinking oat milk, so I decided to give it a try.

not bad....but I prefer my milk from cows, 2%, baby!

is drinking cow milk weird?
Yes, but I’m conditioned so I still drink it. I do like oat milk in my coffee sometimes. There’s that “biscuity/toasty” taste to it that goes well with coffee. But I can’t just drink a glass of “milk” from anything but a cow without getting all weirded out by it. Probably mostly mental :noidea:
Yes, but I’m conditioned so I still drink it. I do like oat milk in my coffee sometimes. There’s that “biscuity/toasty” taste to it that goes well with coffee. But I can’t just drink a glass of “milk” from anything but a cow without getting all weirded out by it. Probably mostly mental :noidea:
There's a chocolate almond milk with added protein that's pretty good by itself. Otherwise, I'm with you
There's a chocolate almond milk with added protein that's pretty good by itself. Otherwise, I'm with you
I do a glass of cow chocolate milk after my talkie bike rides and usually do a glass with my morning bagel
There's a chocolate almond milk with added protein that's pretty good by itself. Otherwise, I'm with you
I just got a tiny bottle of the oatly chocolate milk to try…prolly chicken out and end up dumping it in my coffee.

Drink Reaction GIF by The Drew Barrymore Show
I haven't drunk a glass of milk since I was about 14 years old.

In the morning it's coffee, Then water until I crack my first beer. Repeat.
Why would a grown man admit to drinking chocolate milk?
it's good protein.

I cannot drink Almond Milk, Oat Milk, Goats Milk, Chocolate Milk, Skim Milk, or any of that shit. I drink coffee with half and half. And no, I don't go to Starbucks for a Latte either.
it's good protein.

When I was little in school, I was like the only kid who got a little carton of white milk with lunch at school. Chocolate milk is nasty.
so my uncle was having heart issues and started drinking oat milk, so I decided to give it a try.

not bad....but I prefer my milk from cows, 2%, baby!

is drinking cow milk weird?
No. Still do it most every day.

Milk and PBJ, GOAT combo.
Nope, I drink regular skim milk, gotsta be freezin' cold!
I grew up on full fat then, when I moved out on my own, i switched to 2% because it felt colder. Which got me to skim for several years, then I decided it was just grey water so I’m back to whole and will often plop an ice cube or two in it to get it extra chilled before I drink it.