Part-time Tiger


Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,000.00

"I think something that is realistic is playing the tour one day—never full time, ever again—but pick and choose, just like Mr. [Ben] Hogan did. Pick and choose a few events a year and you play around that,” Woods said during a Zoom interview with Golf Digest’s Henni Koyack from his South Florida home. “You practice around that, and you gear yourself up for that. I think that’s how I’m going to have to play it from now on. It’s an unfortunate reality, but it’s my reality. And I understand it, and I accept it.”
Well fuck me gently. I read as new when I saw it. I'll delete.
Well fuck me gently. I read as new when I saw it. I'll delete.
Lies No GIF
Hey Tiger,fuck you and media driven life.....

If that was me and totaled my vehicle like you did, my license would of been taken away.....

You got what you sowed.......
Hey Tiger,fuck you and media driven life.....

If that was me and totaled my vehicle like you did, my license would of been taken away.....

You got what you sowed.......

take it easy

take it easy

hey. hey, c'mon now. let's be civil.

Take it easy....?
Be civil.....?

His life is a trainwreck,between his ex smashing out his car window with a golfclub and him wrecking his vehicle his cause Id assume he eas texting at a high rate of speed and he gets nothing out of it.......?

Cmon man,the media wants you to ferl sorry for the guy,like as if someone is interested in it.......

Truth is,hes no more relevant than the Kartrashians are.....

Tiger,give it a rest,no one cares....