The NFL is scripted. Ive seen this years script.

They were super bowl contenders with previous weak qbs in the same system. He does a good job for what is asked, but he'd be good for maybe three teams in the entire league.
Yup. They have a good team. Great D...great offense, with a very good young offensive coach. They also have a QB who is an MVP candidate, and is playing top 3 football at his respective position. Stop it.
Numbers say otherwise. It is what it is. Everything else is should've, could've, would've bullshit.
He’s an idiot. He made his opinion without the benefit of facts and then ignored the facts when they didn’t support his opinion. Ignore him. He isn’t someone to be taken seriously.
He’s an idiot. He made his opinion without the benefit of facts and then ignored the facts when they didn’t support his opinion. Ignore him. He isn’t someone to be taken seriously.
I mean, whatever, it seems to be a common narrative that's pushed...that was really the point of my OG post. There seems to be a giant contingency that just says, ya his team's carrying him.

There were plenty that said the same about Joe Montana too.
I mean, if it weren't for Rice, Taylor, Craig, Lott, Rathman, Clark blah blah blah.

Good teams win lotsa games and the QB usually doesn't fuck shit up. News at Ten.
I mean, whatever, it seems to be a common narrative that's pushed...that was really the point of my OG post. There seems to be a giant contingency that just says, ya his team's carrying him.

There were plenty that said the same about Joe Montana too.
Every good quarterback has weapons. Put Mahomes on the Panthers and he’d be better than Bryce Young, but there’s no way they make the playoffs. Kurt Warner was amazing in St Louis and Arizona and not at all in NY. Having weapons shouldn’t count against a QB.

The issue with Brock is he shows how little the experts actually know and they can’t stand that. They all assumed he’d be trash so they can’t accept that he isn’t.
Every good quarterback has weapons. Put Mahomes on the Panthers and he’d be better than Bryce Young, but there’s no way they make the playoffs. Kurt Warner was amazing in St Louis and Arizona and not at all in NY. Having weapons shouldn’t count against a QB.

The issue with Brock is he shows how little the experts actually know and they can’t stand that. They all assumed he’d be trash do they can’t accept that he isn’t.
I'm not anointing anyone either, but his play since starting, is what it is. It deserves respect, and frankly, it's weird af that he's not celebrated at a higher level. It's a helluva story, that generally, one would think most would enjoy immensely. Underdog stud.

It's not celebrated hardly at all tho, in fact, it seems MSM loves to shit on him.

I could probably make a compelling Elephant-in-the-room argument about it all, but I'll take the high road, and save that for another time.
I'm not anointing anyone either, but his play since starting is what it is. It deserves respect, and frankly, it's weird af that he's not celebrated at a higher level. It's a helluva story, that generally, one would think most would enjoy immensely. Underdog stud.

It's not celebrated hardly at all tho, in fact, it seems MSM loves to shit on him.

I could probably make a compelling Elephant-in-the-room argument about it all, but I'll take the high road, and save that for another time.
The experts want to shit on him because he’s the guy that proves that they’re full of shit. They don’t know what makes a QB successful. They focus on size and arm strength and athleticism when the real answer is ability to process the play as it enfolds and they don’t know how to measure that. Admitting that he’s good is admitting that they were wrong.
You clearly don’t watch the games. They didn’t even let Jimmy throw the ball. You should probably stop talking about football because you don’t understand it.
They let Nick Mullens throw the ball. He has some of the best stats all time through 14 starts……
They let Nick Mullens throw the ball. He has some of the best stats all time through 14 starts……
lol heard it on the radio the other day. The second most yardage all time through 16 starts. Him and Patty Mahomes
They let Nick Mullens throw the ball. He has some of the best stats all time through 14 starts……
Not sure what starts those were. Certainly not the ones he had with the Niners.
Wins, maybe? Not sure. Certainly not stats.