Welp it looks like this may be it for me.....Cross fire Hurricane!

Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
$ 500.00

hurricanes.JPGTS Laura.JPGTD 14.JPG
Louisiana be like....

dollars GIF
And just after you finally show back up again.

Nice knowing you.
Stay salty Gulf Shores AL
I'm right in the middle of Tropical Depression Fourteen.

I'll get an American Flag and recreate Handi's gif and put it on YouTube for you fuckers.
Good luck. You might want to throw a few more layers on your mudhut.

Just to be safe.

You wished you had this "mudhut" but a broke assed fool like you could never afford to live in my hood..........
Just got a call from a friend who was at Walmart. Said these retards are already panic shopping all the TP.

Thank God I hoarded some months ago......
Means tons of rain for my lawn but may have to mobilize and ride down to help recovery efforts.