Wheel of Time

Aug 17, 2020
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$ 91,200.00
still exiled in Illinois
Anybody read this series? Review please. I've been offered the 1st14 for a price.
never read them and it feels too late to get into them...

there are too many new books coming out that I want to read and to focus on a 14 book series.
I've read it. One of my all-time favorite series. However, there is appoint around book 8/9, where it drags on a bit before picking up steam again towards the end. You can really tell when B. Sanderson has to take over.
I was just gifted a nice, first-edition of #4 in the series.

I need advice though: Should I start with the prequel? I see that it was not written by Robert Jordan and gets less-than-stellar reviews. @wings-pens2166 @Kburjr
I was just gifted a nice, first-edition of #4 in the series.

I need advice though: Should I start with the prequel? I see that it was not written by Robert Jordan and gets less-than-stellar reviews. @wings-pens2166 @Kburjr
I thought the prequel was written by Jordan but I could be wrong.

However, I think the series would read well without the prequel but what's a few more pages?
Yeah, if you’re talking about a New spring, Jordan did write it.

it’s a good read, but I’d say it’s better to read several of the regular series books to get a good feel for Lan and Moraine. Then read the prequel to see how or why they became the way they are. Just my thoughts
So I am a few audiobook hours into Knife of Dreams and I have to say it’s infinitely better than Crossroads of Twilight.

My god CoT was the stalest and most boring book to date. I mean it literally took me half a year to get through because I just didn’t want to hear it. It was so fucking bad. Would rather drive in complete silence than listen to that book.

Then KoD. The introduction itself is a few hours long and let me just say EXCELLENT. A LOT of shit got resolved here and then the first few chapters, my god, it felt like I was back in fast paced and significant storyline of first 6 books.

The SLOG is over and fuck you may I never have to deal with you again!!!!!
Ill keep it in mind for sure. Just starting the fifth wheel of time book so still a long way to go on those lol
So somehow I ended up with a nice paperback of Book 4 in the "Wheel of Time" series.

Question: before I commit to buying more, can I start with Book 4 or should I only start at the beginning?
So somehow I ended up with a nice paperback of Book 4 in the "Wheel of Time" series.

Question: before I commit to buying more, can I start with Book 4 or should I only start at the beginning?

I gotta imagine you would hate it. Too much on with different character story arcs and you need to get to know the world you are dealing with as well as the author is very detailed.

If you enjoy a good fantasy epic, I don't see how you won't enjoy this one
@HammerDown , I would advise against reading any Wheel of Time books out of order. There are just way too many characters and storylines. And Jordan built on the previous books in each successive novel.

The first 3 books can almost be read as stand-alones but I wouldn't suggest it with the 4th.
I'm not sure what that is.
we read the book at the same time...it can be more organized where you say you have to read these chapters this night but that's too much
I'm not sure what that is.
I think he's coming on to you!

Seriously, hope you enjoy the series. Eye of the World is awesome and will get you hooked. Great Hunt was kinda so-so but Dragon Reborn picks back up.

As others have warned, the series gets bogged down around books 7-10 but once you start you will want to read all 14
I’m so happy that @HammerDown and @ill have found one another through books. Who needs Tinder when you have the Hoop.