Why is Tom Cruise trending?

You get your own planet in celestial Heaven. What’s not to like?
Alot of popular actors are of the same mold.

Tiny body with large head. Maybe that's what looks best on film or something.
I'm convinced big time members are blackmailed.
I met a guy at an Irish pub one night in Temecula, Calif who claimed to be the limo driver and personal assistant to Michael Landon for 25 years. He told me that shit goes on in Hollywood that no one would believe.

I'm talking about literal Satan worship and drinking baby blood and shit and drugs we've never even heard of.

You ever wonder where all those missing kids go that go missing every year and are never found? He said there are people in Hollywood who buy children.
Too bad he couldn't do it during games.

When he played at LSU it was worst than when he was in the pros....and in college the plan was to foul him. LOL

He couldn't hit a free throw to save his life. Dale Brown was an idiot...I'd have made him stand on the line at practiced and shoot 15 in a row before he could leave. He would have learned or spent his night's trying to sink a free throw!
Always curious: how does that start?
In her case, it was by marriage. Her husband is a scientologist and got her involved. They've been together since before I was born, he's well into his 80s (so he predates scientology itself) so I'm not sure how he got into it as he's too old to have been born into it. I'll have to ask my mom (her sister) if she knows.

My aunt does socialize with us once in a great while and we just don't talk about it with her. I shudder to think about how much of her money she's given those people all this time, but what can ya do, it's not mine. Sometimes I tell my mom how I wish we could get her out of it, and my mom feels the same way but she won't dare try, cause she knows that could end with losing her sister. Which I get
I met a guy at an Irish pub one night in Temecula, Calif who claimed to be the limo driver and personal assistant to Michael Landon for 25 years. He told me that shit goes on in Hollywood that no one would believe.

I'm talking about literal Satan worship and drinking baby blood and shit and drugs we've never even heard of.

You ever wonder where all those missing kids go that go missing every year and are never found? He said there are people in Hollywood who buy children.
Yes, there are lots of weirdos lurking in Hollywood.
When he played at LSU it was worst than when he was in the pros....and in college the plan was to foul him. LOL

He couldn't hit a free throw to save his life. Dale Brown was an idiot...I'd have made him stand on the line at practiced and shoot 15 in a row before he could leave. He would have learned or spent his night's trying to sink a free throw!
Did you ever see that mathematician who ran the numbers on how much it would have impacted Shaq's career scoring if he had been able to hit 70% of his free throws? Not only more points at the line but less muggings from all those thugs teams in the Pacific had back then just to beat on Shaq.
He’s been in some bad ass movies. Regardless of height.
Tom Cruise doesn't trend. He runs. Tom Cruise is running.

Where the fuck did we find this member?