WWE Network

Aug 21, 2020
Reaction score
$ 1,256.00
Eugene, Oregon
Thinking of getting this. I did the free month years ago and it was awesome to see some of the old segments and matches. But I'm finding myself reading up on old storylines, true storylines like behind the scenes, and would like to re-watch the matches that went with the real life storylines. I try to find the matches or moments on YouTube but because WWE has the network they've taken down all the videos and matches from YT.

But man, wrestling '95-2002 was one incredible time.
i have it because i like watching the Nitro Girls dance when i use the elliptical machine

i don't watch present-day wrestling
But man, wrestling '95-2002 was one incredible time.
Facts. WCW and WWF were pretty awesome during that time.
i don't watch present-day wrestling
I tried, it is pretty bad. Can't do it, but I noticed some things...

You guys notice the difference in camera work nowadays? Whenever there is a slam, the camera does a quick zoom in and zoom out to make it seem more impactful. I straight up HATE that and actually find it somewhat nauseating at times.

Also, female wrestlers... I am fine with them having their own division and getting air time and all that jazz, but it is too much. I watched an episode of Raw last year and I sweat like half the matches were with females and I am sorry, they are NOT nearly as good of wrestlers as the men. They just aren't. They botch a lot and either over or under sell every other move. It is frustrating to watch because I know it probably sounds sexist and I don't want it to, but it is just bad. I remember Lita and Trish being decent for the attitude era time and they still put these girls to shame.

Also, what is with all the color? I feel like I am watching a 90's Kilmer or Clooney Batman movie. Bright lights, neon colors its also just too much. Every other person seems like they raided Ultimate Warriors wardrobe.

Idk, just some personal gripes from when I tried watching. Every once in a while I will turn it on, but I typically don't make it through one match. That's sad because the only reason I turned it on was so my son would get into it like I did as a kid. My dad would watch it with me, but I just can't watch this crap.
Present day wrestling is currently awful. With no fans it is un-watchable. I agree with the women's division, I get it and understand the growth and focus of it, but I too think it's becoming too much of the product. I mean it was a WM a year ago that they headlined WM.

Wrestling just seems like it has been in status quo for the last 5 years, just basic, chugging along, nothing too exciting, nothing too creative, just easy moving along the center line. NXT was great at first, but what it has done is basically started creating all the same type of character. It reminds me a lot like WCW Power Plant. It's characters that are artificially created and pushed onto the main roster rather then these wrestlers building and growing their characters through the indie circuits.
Present day wrestling is currently awful. With no fans it is un-watchable. I agree with the women's division, I get it and understand the growth and focus of it, but I too think it's becoming too much of the product. I mean it was a WM a year ago that they headlined WM.

Wrestling just seems like it has been in status quo for the last 5 years, just basic, chugging along, nothing too exciting, nothing too creative, just easy moving along the center line. NXT was great at first, but what it has done is basically started creating all the same type of character. It reminds me a lot like WCW Power Plant. It's characters that are artificially created and pushed onto the main roster rather then these wrestlers building and growing their characters through the indie circuits.
I wonder if maybe they are just trying to get through their current contracts with the stations. I remember reading that the WWE was thinking about returning to the attitude era style, to the PG-13/TVMA segments. They need it.

They need head shots back with the chairs, the blood, the cursing.... the fucking intensity. Right now it feels like you are watching an episode of My Little Pony or something. They should be ashamed of the product they are putting out there right now.
Thinking of getting this. I did the free month years ago and it was awesome to see some of the old segments and matches. But I'm finding myself reading up on old storylines, true storylines like behind the scenes, and would like to re-watch the matches that went with the real life storylines. I try to find the matches or moments on YouTube but because WWE has the network they've taken down all the videos and matches from YT.

But man, wrestling '95-2002 was one incredible time.

Think again.

WWE announced today that its shuttering the WWE Network. Instead, they've cut a deal where all of their streaming content will move over to NBC's Peacock streaming service. The library, original shows, new PPVs are will now all be on Peacock starting in mid-March. The price for Peacock (for now) is also cheaper than what the old WWE Network is so not only will you get the WWE content, you'll get the other stuff Peacock has to offer
Think again.

WWE announced today that its shuttering the WWE Network. Instead, they've cut a deal where all of their streaming content will move over to NBC's Peacock streaming service. The library, original shows, new PPVs are will now all be on Peacock starting in mid-March. The price for Peacock (for now) is also cheaper than what the old WWE Network is so not only will you get the WWE content, you'll get the other stuff Peacock has to offer
I just read this too, so I have peacock already with my cable subscription, does that mean I get WWE Network for free?
I just read this too, so I have peacock already with my cable subscription, does that mean I get WWE Network for free?

Yes. You'll get it for free come March 18th (I think that's the date) if its included with your cable (Xfinity and Cox customers)
Lol, you're all gay. I'll leave you to it.
Present day wrestling is currently awful. With no fans it is un-watchable. I agree with the women's division, I get it and understand the growth and focus of it, but I too think it's becoming too much of the product. I mean it was a WM a year ago that they headlined WM.

Wrestling just seems like it has been in status quo for the last 5 years, just basic, chugging along, nothing too exciting, nothing too creative, just easy moving along the center line. NXT was great at first, but what it has done is basically started creating all the same type of character. It reminds me a lot like WCW Power Plant. It's characters that are artificially created and pushed onto the main roster rather then these wrestlers building and growing their characters through the indie circuits.
It’s awful. Most of the women are still really bad.

wm35 was an embarrassment

and yes NXT is rather cookie cutter
I wonder if maybe they are just trying to get through their current contracts with the stations. I remember reading that the WWE was thinking about returning to the attitude era style, to the PG-13/TVMA segments. They need it.

They need head shots back with the chairs, the blood, the cursing.... the fucking intensity. Right now it feels like you are watching an episode of My Little Pony or something. They should be ashamed of the product they are putting out there right now.

attitude era can’t survive in the pussy bullshit sjw offended by everything cancel culture era
Don't see WWE ever going back to the Attitude Era, for many reasons, but there is zero reason they can't go back to the Ruthless Aggression Era. You had some great storylines during that time frame, including HBK/HHH, Evolution, etc. But this thing they are stuck in now, is just stale. Granted, again, no fans is a huge problem, but still the storylines are all recycled stuff from back in the day, but only now more restricted and feels more fake.

They had a chance back in 2011 When CM Punk had his Summer to go in a different direction and be cool again, but they ruined that Punk storyline by October and it fell right back into this cookie cutter era.
Don't see WWE ever going back to the Attitude Era, for many reasons, but there is zero reason they can't go back to the Ruthless Aggression Era. You had some great storylines during that time frame, including HBK/HHH, Evolution, etc. But this thing they are stuck in now, is just stale. Granted, again, no fans is a huge problem, but still the storylines are all recycled stuff from back in the day, but only now more restricted and feels more fake.

They had a chance back in 2011 When CM Punk had his Summer to go in a different direction and be cool again, but they ruined that Punk storyline by October and it fell right back into this cookie cutter era.

Roman is great

I love what the hurt business did all summer and now they’re destructing (every stable eventually destructs)

but there is a lot of cookie cutter stuff .

but everything gets repeated in wrestling. And the fans let them just use male stuff on the women and get away Away with it
Does anyone have the WWE Network now? Do they show you the chair shots to the head and the blood? I just watched an old school match on youtube and it edited it out. I was pretty pissed. If you want to make it a rule to no longer do it because of CTE/concussions... fine, but what emphasis does that have on matches already done. Let the fans have it, it is obnoxious to go back and edit shit like that out. I don't think watching someone get hit with a chair ever caused a concussion. And if people are trying this at home... then that is on them, though I am sure we all did it lol. I bodyslammed my cousin through an ironing board once lol, never had a steel chair to hit him with though.
Does anyone have the WWE Network now? Do they show you the chair shots to the head and the blood? I just watched an old school match on youtube and it edited it out. I was pretty pissed. If you want to make it a rule to no longer do it because of CTE/concussions... fine, but what emphasis does that have on matches already done. Let the fans have it, it is obnoxious to go back and edit shit like that out. I don't think watching someone get hit with a chair ever caused a concussion. And if people are trying this at home... then that is on them, though I am sure we all did it lol. I bodyslammed my cousin through an ironing board once lol, never had a steel chair to hit him with though.

I believe they do. But I haven’t watched a ton of old stuff either
Does anyone have the WWE Network now? Do they show you the chair shots to the head and the blood? I just watched an old school match on youtube and it edited it out. I was pretty pissed. If you want to make it a rule to no longer do it because of CTE/concussions... fine, but what emphasis does that have on matches already done. Let the fans have it, it is obnoxious to go back and edit shit like that out. I don't think watching someone get hit with a chair ever caused a concussion. And if people are trying this at home... then that is on them, though I am sure we all did it lol. I bodyslammed my cousin through an ironing board once lol, never had a steel chair to hit him with though.
I don't have it, but have watched things on it, I believe they do still show all that stuff. Otherwise every Mankind match would be cut down to 2 minutes. But I watched Mankind/Taker Hell In a Cell and it showed the entire match, including his tooth on his beard.

I didn't watch Rock/Mankind I Quit match though I'd imagine if they deleted chair shots to the head that match wouldn't even be on the Network.
I don't have it, but have watched things on it, I believe they do still show all that stuff. Otherwise every Mankind match would be cut down to 2 minutes. But I watched Mankind/Taker Hell In a Cell and it showed the entire match, including his tooth on his beard.

I didn't watch Rock/Mankind I Quit match though I'd imagine if they deleted chair shots to the head that match wouldn't even be on the Network.
Check this out, this is what I was talking about though. Triple H uses brass knuckles at the 12:25 timestamp, but look what happens.

And no, that is not a video problem, it is deliberate. I have seen it in many other videos too.
