Pick your decade

Aug 18, 2020
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$ 1,000.00
If you could go back to any decade between 1900-2000 which would it be? Why?
Roarin' 20's for the Chicken
The cars, gangsters, cost of living was low but the place was booming economically. Country was still in transition from modern and old world
I would go back to 2024. I've never been better off.
I’d say 1970’s. Post sexual revolution but before AIDS fucked up all of the free sex. Good music, no social media.

In honesty, I'd pick the '90s. The AIDs shit was winding down and slit was on the cheap. Also, there was still good music being made.
Knee-jerk response was the 60s, but I barely made it out alive. The 70s was good and bad. The 80s was a good stretch. Got married, had 3 more kids and my career really took off.
I would never.

But, if forced, I would go back to June of 1985 when I turned 18.

That month was the lynchpin of my existence.
Ah the 70’s though
