It's only Tuesday

Just sold dad's old jeep to some guy. I was asking $1000. He showed me where the body mounts were rusted almost in 2 and the body about to fall off the frame, gas tank rusted, all tires flat, and it won't start. Offered me $500. I tried not to act pleased, pretended to think about it for a minute, and said Hand Me The CASH.

Damn it's hot outside though. Worth it for FAT STACKS.
The old Fish would've told him $1000 or GTFO. What has happened to you?
Pretty much samesies. Except our house is on a slope, so the front of the basement is underground and the back is a walk out.
We don't have that much of a slope, probably less than a foot from front to back. No entry into the basement without going in one of the main house doors, though. Thought about putting in a Bilco door, might still be able to do it later. Biggest problem right now is the air conditioner fan is sited pretty close to the one window we could use for a staircase.
We don't have that much of a slope, probably less than a foot from front to back. No entry into the basement without going in one of the main house doors, though. Thought about putting in a Bilco door, might still be able to do it later. Biggest problem right now is the air conditioner fan is sited pretty close to the one window we could use for a staircase.

No central air??!!?!?!!?
We don't have that much of a slope, probably less than a foot from front to back. No entry into the basement without going in one of the main house doors, though. Thought about putting in a Bilco door, might still be able to do it later. Biggest problem right now is the air conditioner fan is sited pretty close to the one window we could use for a staircase.
Our rental is a ranch as well. It has one of those old storm shelter doors that are on the ground that lead into a little cinder block shelter that was bricked over. Could have turned that into a staircase out into the back, but that little shelter creeped me the fuck out, so no thanks.

We don't have a patio or anything off the walk out downstairs, so it really only gets used when we have a fire in the back yard or to put the dogs in their kennels. Hopefully someday we'll have a hot tub and sauna out there.
I have a client that is in a band and I have to do some research on whether the songs written during the marriage are marital property. What a throat punch if the spouse will get half the royalties he is entitled to. My gut is telling me yes, but I really hope that isn't the case.
"Air conditioner fan" is for central air.

Denzel Washington Reaction GIF
Our rental is a ranch as well. It has one of those old storm shelter doors that are on the ground that lead into a little cinder block shelter that was bricked over. Could have turned that into a staircase out into the back, but that little shelter creeped me the fuck out, so no thanks.

We don't have a patio or anything off the walk out downstairs, so it really only gets used when we have a fire in the back yard or to put the dogs in their kennels. Hopefully someday we'll have a hot tub and sauna out there.
I would still like to put in a patio off the deck, but I need to level out a spot for it first. Probably will wait until the kiddos are a bit bigger, so the swingsets are gone and there should be more room in the rest of the yard.
Tickets bought for another saints game. Basically becoming a die hard now