Would you be okay signing your daughter up for Cub Scouts?

Woud you be okay signing your daugher up for Cub Scouts

  • Of course! It's 2020 dude, I'm totally woke

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Hell no! It's called Boy Scouts for a reason now get off my lawn!

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Warm Tater Salad

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
Aug 18, 2020
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$ 1,000.00
Van down by the river
So I was just informed that my 7 year old daughter wants to join Cub Scouts this year. I did a double take and asked, you mean Girl Scouts? Nope Cub Scouts, mainly because Girls Scouts are meeting remotely and Cub Scouts are not.

Should I be worried?
So I was just informed that my 7 year old daughter wants to join Cub Scouts this year. I did a double take and asked, you mean Girl Scouts? Nope Cub Scouts, mainly because Girls Scouts are meeting remotely and Cub Scouts are not.

Should I be worried?

I'd let her go and have fun. I like the way she thought it out and had a good answer as to why. That should be rewarded and acknowledged.
So I was just informed that my 7 year old daughter wants to join Cub Scouts this year. I did a double take and asked, you mean Girl Scouts? Nope Cub Scouts, mainly because Girls Scouts are meeting remotely and Cub Scouts are not.

Should I be worried?
in addition to being a kindergarten sunday school teacher.....I also am a Cub Scout Den Leader....
So I was just informed that my 7 year old daughter wants to join Cub Scouts this year. I did a double take and asked, you mean Girl Scouts? Nope Cub Scouts, mainly because Girls Scouts are meeting remotely and Cub Scouts are not.

Should I be worried?


dang... thought you were approaching 60. Too old to have a kid that young. My bad.

That said - No. I wouldn't be worried. @Wild Turkey makes a valid point.
in addition to being a kindergarten sunday school teacher.....I also am a Cub Scout Den Leader....
That's nice but this thread isn't about you now is it?

Somebody has spotlight issues and isn't getting enough attention.
in addition to being a kindergarten sunday school teacher.....I also am a Cub Scout Den Leader....

Cotdammit! You shouldn't be anywhere near children where you can warp their minds. This is why America is fucked!


Plus... is no one worried you're gonna step on them with those club feet?
Cub Scouts, eh fine. BOY SCOUTS? No. It's BOYS, FOR BOYS. Maybe instead of exploiting young girls for money through cookies (oh and trust me, they bring in a FUCK ton of money) you should actually fund a program instead of pocketing it all and make a girl scouts program that is prestigious as Boy Scouts.

Sylvia Acevedo (the CEO) and her predecessors were nothing more than common pimps. No wonder those fuckers resigned. Got their thin mint cash payout and bailed. Disgusting. Anyone that signs up their girls for girl scouts is encouraging prostitution.

Now I might be a little off base here and out of line (not on the above but what I'm about to say) but I'm pretty sure they lace the Thin Mints with drugs... why the fuck else would you pay $5 for that shit?
So I was just informed that my 7 year old daughter wants to join Cub Scouts this year. I did a double take and asked, you mean Girl Scouts? Nope Cub Scouts, mainly because Girls Scouts are meeting remotely and Cub Scouts are not.

Should I be worried?

I hated Girl Scouts. Hated. It. It was little more than a group of snotty girls, and I didn't learn anything particularly useful.
Maybe it's different now, but in retrospect, it was little more than what I'd consider a glorified home-ec program.
Cub scouts learned cool and actually useful stuff like how to use a compass, how to build a fire, etc ...
I'd be more inclined to let a daughter join the Cub Scouts than a son. This ain't the 70's anymore, once you reach a certain age, being a Boy Scout will get you bullied mercilessly.

I was an asshole in high school.
I like the way she thought it out and had a good answer as to why. That should be rewarded and acknowledged.
My 14 year old daughter has been going out of her ever loving mind with this COVID bullshit. First, she lost her volleyball season (she plays club level, and travels), and lost contact with all her friends, other than through Fortnite and Minecraft due to social distancing. Final straw was the district is splitting classes by alphabet, so families can stay together.... and all her besties are in the other half. Breaks my heart for her.

Came to me while we were on vacation 2 weeks ago, and asked if she could get her septum pierced. :facepalm: I'm a big "whatever you do once your 18 and can financially support, is up to you... but my money will not go to support body mutilation of any form, other than your ears being double pierced.

This is a girl who is socially active and top 5 in her class (was 2nd until the last tri... THANKS, COVID), and literally had the rug pulled from underneath her. Has even started to act out a little in defiance.... but she put together a freaking presentation on the negatives, complete with statistics and probabilities for infection and other injuries... what the hell, man? What 14 year old does that?!?! The one thing that has given me a reason to re-think my stance, is that the septum would leave no visible holes, that other facial piercings would. But damn! It goes against every belief I've fostered. I mean, that's my baby.... but DAMN! That's my baby.
My 14 year old daughter has been going out of her ever loving mind with this COVID bullshit. First, she lost her volleyball season (she plays club level, and travels), and lost contact with all her friends, other than through Fortnite and Minecraft due to social distancing. Final straw was the district is splitting classes by alphabet, so families can stay together.... and all her besties are in the other half. Breaks my heart for her.

Came to me while we were on vacation 2 weeks ago, and asked if she could get her septum pierced. :facepalm: I'm a big "whatever you do once your 18 and can financially support, is up to you... but my money will not go to support body mutilation of any form, other than your ears being double pierced.

This is a girl who is socially active and top 5 in her class (was 2nd until the last tri... THANKS, COVID), and literally had the rug pulled from underneath her. Has even started to act out a little in defiance.... but she put together a freaking presentation on the negatives, complete with statistics and probabilities for infection and other injuries... what the hell, man? What 14 year old does that?!?! The one thing that has given me a reason to re-think my stance, is that the septum would leave no visible holes, that other facial piercings would. But damn! It goes against every belief I've fostered. I mean, that's my baby.... but DAMN! That's my baby.
I've sat through power points on puppies, upgraded cell phones, going to concerts and fuck the schools for teaching that shit!

Yeah that's a tough one and I can feel your pain because mine we're in sports and that was their peer group so I get it.

All I can say is if the wife is on board then you probably have to suck it up. I would put together a contract that states she can get this piercing but all other piercings, tattoos, body modifications and weird hair colors are off the table until age 20 without exception. She is giving up the right to even ask by getting this one.
So I was just informed that my 7 year old daughter wants to join Cub Scouts this year. I did a double take and asked, you mean Girl Scouts? Nope Cub Scouts, mainly because Girls Scouts are meeting remotely and Cub Scouts are not.

Should I be worried?

I taught my daughter how to shoot, martial arts, camp, she has been hunting (not with me) ... she is an independent woman who married a great guy. Genders should be separate but equal!!!
Cub Scouts, eh fine. BOY SCOUTS? No. It's BOYS, FOR BOYS. Maybe instead of exploiting young girls for money through cookies (oh and trust me, they bring in a FUCK ton of money) you should actually fund a program instead of pocketing it all and make a girl scouts program that is prestigious as Boy Scouts.

Aren't the Boy Scouts bankrupt and being sued up the ass for mole$ting little boys and covering it up?
I hated Girl Scouts. Hated. It. It was little more than a group of snotty girls, and I didn't learn anything particularly useful.
Maybe it's different now, but in retrospect, it was little more than what I'd consider a glorified home-ec program.
Cub scouts learned cool and actually useful stuff like how to use a compass, how to build a fire, etc ...

Completely agree that Cub Scouts teach cooler, more usable life skills than Girl Scouts which I'd be fine with.
Aren't the Boy Scouts bankrupt and being sued up the ass for mole$ting little boys and covering it up?

Molestation or not... the boy scouts were not forced to sell cookies. That's the real crime here. Molestation... I mean it's serious and all don't get me wrong... but young girls selling cookies laced with drugs (source needed)? C'mon.. that's the real problem here.

Skerpokes, I like you, but it's time you open your eyes man.
Completely agree that Cub Scouts teach cooler, more usable life skills than Girl Scouts which I'd be fine with.
On a serious note about the cookies, while it's fine for the kids who are into it, for those who aren't, it sucks.
There's a lot of pressure, and if you don 't sell a bunch, you get looked down upon for not being supportive enough.
I went door to door selling Girl Scout cookies. I was one of the top sellers. I was fuckin' miserable doing it.