Would you be okay signing your daughter up for Cub Scouts?

Woud you be okay signing your daugher up for Cub Scouts

  • Of course! It's 2020 dude, I'm totally woke

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Hell no! It's called Boy Scouts for a reason now get off my lawn!

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Warm Tater Salad

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
So I was just informed that my 7 year old daughter wants to join Cub Scouts this year. I did a double take and asked, you mean Girl Scouts? Nope Cub Scouts, mainly because Girls Scouts are meeting remotely and Cub Scouts are not.

Should I be worried?
Tell her to get a job instead of joining a gang.
I got a Prince Albert when I was 14 and didn't even get parental permission.

the big lebowski jesus GIF
When you are a Boy-Dad all you have to worry about is one dick. When you are a Girl-Dad you have to worry about a Zillion dicks.
When you are a Boy-Dad all you have to worry about is one dick. When you are a Girl-Dad you have to worry about a Zillion dicks.
and what's the multiplier for each additional daughter? I have 3....
Got 2 boys in scouts, one is about to Eagle out. It's been pretty fun and they actually learn useful shit. Camp outs are fun and they get college scholarships once they reach Eagle, so it's not useless. And it's actually a thing here, there are a lot of boys that do it.

All I ever see girls do is shaking me down for those damn Tagalongs and Thin Mints, shut up and take my money. Run by a bunch of feminists from what I understand.

Girls in (boy) Scouts will have more fun and learn more useful stuff, that is the general consensus.

Now for Cub Scouts, I'd skip it. That's just more work for parents to have to do everything. Boy Scouts with/without girls or not make sure the kids do all the work.
I have been known to avoid going into a store or gas station if the Boy Scouts are sitting out front selling popcorn.
At Wal Mart, they won't set up at the Auto and Tire or Garden center.
and what's the multiplier for each additional daughter? I have 3....
Let’s see here....roughly 7 billion peeps, so pencil in 3.5 billion dudes...yeah, you’re looking at the threat of 10.5billion dicks to fret about....minus your own of course...I hope.
I don't envy any of you that have kids these days. It's a tough job in today's crazy world. You have your work cut out for you and I truly wish you and your kids well. :beer2:

I'd let her go and have fun. I like the way she thought it out and had a good answer as to why. That should be rewarded and acknowledged.
This right here.

She isn’t wanting this because she wants to be “one of the boys”, or whatever, but because she wants to meet like a normal extracurricular.

Sound logic and reasoning.....very good!
Cub Scouts, eh fine. BOY SCOUTS? No. It's BOYS, FOR BOYS. Maybe instead of exploiting young girls for money through cookies (oh and trust me, they bring in a FUCK ton of money) you should actually fund a program instead of pocketing it all and make a girl scouts program that is prestigious as Boy Scouts.

Sylvia Acevedo (the CEO) and her predecessors were nothing more than common pimps. No wonder those fuckers resigned. Got their thin mint cash payout and bailed. Disgusting. Anyone that signs up their girls for girl scouts is encouraging prostitution.

Now I might be a little off base here and out of line (not on the above but what I'm about to say) but I'm pretty sure they lace the Thin Mints with drugs... why the fuck else would you pay $5 for that shit?
My daughter did this racket a few years when younger with her mom. Mom led a group one year. I got to see how the sausage was made.

Back then it was $3.50 a box. The troop got about $.20-$.30 a box for their efforts. Checking up on this not for profit and they have very little expense. Basically a few retreats around the world they own and “operational”‘costs.

The “pimping” claim is about right in my view.
On a serious note about the cookies, while it's fine for the kids who are into it, for those who aren't, it sucks.
There's a lot of pressure, and if you don 't sell a bunch, you get looked down upon for not being supportive enough.
I went door to door selling Girl Scout cookies. I was one of the top sellers. I was fuckin' miserable doing it.
Oh yes. There is certainly some mild cultish behavior in the ranks of this organization. Pushing these kids to sell. That was about it. They would meet once a week and do some crafts for the first few months. Then they would spend the rest of the year being pushed and chided to dump cookies on stranger just trying to go into the store and get milk and eggs. Then they might do a camping trip. Then the year is over.

Not a fan of this.
Oh yes. There is certainly some mild cultish behavior in the ranks of this organization. Pushing these kids to sell. That was about it. They would meet once a week and do some crafts for the first few months. Then they would spend the rest of the year being pushed and chided to dump cookies on stranger just trying to go into the store and get milk and eggs. Then they might do a camping trip. Then the year is over.

Not a fan of this.
This is how I understand it, too.

Our BSA Troop camps out once a month, with a 1 week long winter and summer camp. Camp outs are optional, but they can't rank advance if they miss too many.

In between they learn all those skills in the handbook and do these merit badges, which are pretty involved and useful.

I'm a supporter and do not mind if girls join, but they have separate Girls only Troops that Do all these same things, instead of scrapbooking or whatever.

We ask Scouts to sell "Camp Cards", which is a collection of certificates for $5 off at the local Jiffy Lube or Costco or whatever business. All money goes to replacing camping equipment and buying the prizes for whoever sells the most. Prizes are usually a cool survival knife for 2nd place and an AR-15 or shotgun for first.
I've read enough and concluded the Girl Scouts are a terrorist organization and must be stopped. Meet me tonight at the warehouse on 35th. Punch and pie will also be served.